Tuesday 12 January 2010

End of Semester Written Work.

My group is now in the middle of putting together our end of semester written course work which is, like our presentation was, dedicated to inequality aversion in animals. The articles which we are covering are fairly straight forward and very interesting. I was at first worried that we were going to be asked to base our coursework on articles which were using calculations with numbers in order to explain their findings, but it is instead articles written in words, which I find a lot more fun. I am also an animal lover, so I find the subject interesting on another level as well as on a psychological one. I have finished a suggestion for our introduction, but I am now stuck with the same problem as I have been before on this module: The writing of course works, the preparation of presentations and the researching of topics = not a problem at all. How ever, what I do have a problem with, is getting my work up on our wiki pages, our slides, or even (at first) this blog!

My knowledge about technology, or anything to do with computers to be more precise, is so poor that I have struggled a bit at times taking this module. Luckily, my colleagues in my group have been happy to meet up with me to show me how it is done. For now, I have e-mailed my colleagues a suggestion for an introduction to our piece for them to read through and give me some feed back on. Since it is three days left until our deadline today I am not at all worried, but I do think that if I had known a bit more about how those things work, I could have been getting a bit more involved in lay outs of our projects. But having said that, since it is a psychology module after all, I am hoping that the written work is far more important than visual presentations.

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