For those who know me, the result on my Certainty Equivalence graph is not at all surprising! The few times I have gambled in the past, not once have I won, so if I was to be offered a definite sum of £500 (which I chose as the sum that would make me indifferent between the other two options in this scenario), I would accept it, no questions asked. And what follows in my first graph does not get much more exciting than that. The sums of money I have chosen in the other two scenarios is (according to me) a completely sensible £250 followed by a nice and safe £750. If my financial situation had been a bit different, I would have chosen my sums differently too. So would I most likely have done if my previous experiences had been different in the past, as well as if I actually enjoyed gambling. In other words: my Certainty Equivalence graph suggests that I am risk averse.