Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Inequity Aversion.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Slowly but Surely.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Framing Effects.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Choices, Values and Frames.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Certainty Equivalence and Probability Equivalence

For those who know me, the result on my Certainty Equivalence graph is not at all surprising! The few times I have gambled in the past, not once have I won, so if I was to be offered a definite sum of £500 (which I chose as the sum that would make me indifferent between the other two options in this scenario), I would accept it, no questions asked. And what follows in my first graph does not get much more exciting than that. The sums of money I have chosen in the other two scenarios is (according to me) a completely sensible £250 followed by a nice and safe £750. If my financial situation had been a bit different, I would have chosen my sums differently too. So would I most likely have done if my previous experiences had been different in the past, as well as if I actually enjoyed gambling. In other words: my Certainty Equivalence graph suggests that I am risk averse.
Monday, 2 November 2009
The Priority Heuristic.
My immediate reaction to the earlier mentioned article The Priority Heuristic: Making Choices Without Trade-Offs by Brandstätter, Gigerenzer and Hertwig (2006) was confusion. I found the whole experience very different from the Dhami article which I was reading in the week before, and really enjoyed. After reading about the Priority Heuristic over and over again I didn’t get much wiser! It was only on Friday’s lecture that things started falling into place and now I have a bigger understanding about what the Priority Heuristic and the three steps it consists of is about. I also found the explanations of the Utility Theory and the Prospect Theory very helpful to me, but, to be honest, I did find the article very hard. I spent most of my time studying the parts of the text which explained the concept of mathematical expectation, hoping that once I got my head around that bit it would all make sense, and once I focused less on those calculations, and more on the written words and figures, I felt a bit more confident. But it left me wondering: is there anything in the world of Cognitive Psychology that is just logical? But then again, I guess an article based on examples like Richard Branson’s satisfaction if given a thousand pounds would not be appreciated by Cognitive Psychologists worldwide, although it would make my life so much easier.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Introduction to Judgement and Decision Making.
We have now entered our fourth week into the third year Psychology module Judgement and Decision Making, and after one introduction session, one week of strike and one very enjoyable lecture dedicated to three articles, which were presented and discussed in groups, I am getting a bigger understanding of ways in which Judgement and Decision Making can be explained. This field of Psychology is not one in which I have great experience from, neither do I have a lot of experience of working together with other students as a group, but after studying the article Psychological Models of Professional Decision Making by Dhami (2001) with my four colleagues in my given group I also realised the profits of swapping ideas with and explaining your thoughts to a small number of students in a group and were surprised to find that it was very helpful and fun. The reading for this module is based on one main reference, which is the book Judgement and Decision Making by Dr. David Hardman, as well as a number of relevant articles. By also having access to our colleagues blogs we can leave each other comments and swap thoughts with each other this way, which is also a helpful way of working through this course. We are also being assessed through two pieces of collaboratively written work within our groups. This as well will be a new experience of writing coursework for me and I am looking forward to starting these projects with my new friends in my group.
As a joint Criminology and Psychology student I am so far finding this course to be very relevant to me. The first article my group was given to prepare a presentation of (the earlier mentioned Psychological Models of Professional Decision Making by Dhami) was based on testing the ability of the two models Franklin’s rule and Matching Heuristic in order to predict bail decisions made by judges in two different courts. Specific topics that our groups can choose to later pursue in each week of December include for example Moral Judgement and Terrorism and Perceived Risk, which both sounds very interesting to me since it is helpful to apply the information here in examples which relates to what I have previously studied in my Criminology modules.
The piece I am working on now is The Priority Heuristic: Making Choices Without Trade-Offs by Brandstätter, Gigerenzer and Hertwig (2006). This article, together with chapter 7 in Judgement and Decision Making is what our next lecture will be based on, and I will dedicate my next update to my reflections on this article.